2320 – CNC and Manual Machine Tools formerly used by Profile Gauge & Tool Co Ltd
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Location: These Items are located in Rotherham
Please Note: Dismantling and Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. Unfortunately there are no Lifting or Loading Facilities available at this site.
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'La prime d''acheteur sera fixée à 15%.'
'La taxe sur la valeur ajoutée s''élèvera à 20%.'
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Viewing by Appointment only with the Auctioneer only, please contact our Office on: + 44 (0) 121 328 2424
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Lots 71-80 de 101
Lot 373: Opus Imperial and Metric Tungsten Carbide Gauge
Opus Imperial and Metric Tungsten Carbide Gauge and Block Sets
Please Note: This Item is located in Rotherham - Dismantling and Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser
Lot 374: (2) Sets of Gauge Blocks (incomplete), Set square and (2) Height Gauges
(2) Sets of Gauge Blocks (Incomplete), Set square and (2) Height Gauges
Please Note: This Item is located in Rotherham - Dismantling and Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser
Lot 375: Jofra Ametek Type CE PPCE 15 Pressure Calibrator Bar
Jofra Ametek Type CE PPCE 15 Pressure Calibrator Bar. S/No. 514 565 – 00856
Please Note: This Item is located in Rotherham - Dismantling and Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser
Lot 376: Falcon Benchtop Inspection Microscope
Jeana Universal Horizontal Metroscope with range of accessories. S/No. 5459
Please Note: This Item is located in Rotherham - Dismantling and Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser
Lot 377: Mitutoyo Digital Dial Test Indicator
Mitutoyo Digital Dial Test Indicator and (4) Mitutoyo Optical Parallels
Please Note: This Item is located in Rotherham - Dismantling and Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser
Lot 378: Set of 12 Pitter Imperial Length Bars
Set of 12 Pitter Imperial Length Bars
Please Note: This Item is located in Rotherham - Dismantling and Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser
Lot 379: Set of 11 Coventry Gauge Metric Length Bars
Set of 11 Coventry Gauge Metric Length Bars
Please Note: This Item is located in Rotherham - Dismantling and Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser
Lot 380: (3) Angle Plates, (3) Setting Rings, 35mm, 60mm and 45mm Dia
(3) Angle Plates, (3) Setting Rings, 35mm, 60mm and 45mm Dia
Please Note: This Item is located in Rotherham - Dismantling and Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser
Lot 381: (4) Boxes Assorted Reamers, Milling Cutters, (2) Storage Cabinets and Taps
(4) Boxes Assorted Reamers, Milling Cutters, (2) Storage Cabinets and Taps
Please Note: This Item is located in Rotherham - Dismantling and Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser
Lot 382: (4) Boxes Assorted Drills
(4) Boxes Assorted Drills
Please Note: This Item is located in Rotherham - Dismantling and Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser