Przedmiot 1: Excel Heat Furnace

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Kończy się:
06 cze 2018 15:40:00 BST
Pozostały czas:
Licytacja zakończona

Opis przedmiotu

Excel Heat Furnace with upgraded control system comprises programmable load temperature, air temperature, ICU, Thyristors, 9500 Kg Furnace capacity, Furnace operating temperatures 850 degrees C,  Normal operating temperatures 600 – 675 degrees C,  Furnace rating 300 Kw, Electrical supply 415 V 3 phase 50 Hz, Control equipment 110 V single phase,  Inert gas supply, Furnace usable dimensions, Width 2000 mm Length 2000 mm Height 4300 mm, Cover weight 3000 Kg. Furnace ref no. 20659 original (1999), Upgraded new digital controller and panel in 2013. Furnace and associated equipment calibrated every 3 months.

The furnace installation is controlled with electrically heated elements and has inert gas atmosphere function operation when required. The furnace design has the type of control ideally suited to large mass components in addition to smaller products. The installation comprises of an electrically heated lift off cover furnace. This is approx. split horizontally into two halves, the top or cover and base. plus the necessary control equipment. The cover has a lifting shackle to enable the shop crane to raise the cover from the base and transport it to the park position. An access ladder is provided on the cover to enable the operator to connect the crane to the covers lifting shackle.The circulation fan is roof mounted just below the roof lining with the shaft and motor assembly outside on the roof. Cooling fans are also positioned outside the cover on the roof. The inert atmosphere purge valve is outside the furnace cover on the roof.

Please click here for Excel Heat Manual 

Please Note: A detailed operating & comprehensive technical specification manual is available upon request

Please Note: This lot is located in Dunfermline, Scotland. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities available on-site. Dismantling and Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser.


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